Which resolutions should i support via menue

Hi @anonymous_user_98dc406c,
i made a weirdo settings-menue-levelthing and the best part is, it works.
But which setRes. i should support for standards?
Theoretically every user could manipulate the ingameresolution to his exotic needs via console commands, or not?
But which one i should integrate, set in stone?
In the picture you see what i support so far. F/W.

Happy friendly greetings, to everyone who like to hear them :slight_smile:

You should choose 1024*768 resolution as it is quite optimal and can work in different sized screen. I hope it will work for you.
Good Luck.

Thank you, the picture in startpost shows, what i still have working/integrated so far.
Sorry when i was unclear… (my english…) :slight_smile:
Sry for bad quali, my screencap is broken.

Sincerely bauch

You can probably do a search for the most common screen resolutions, or start a popular game and check what is in their list.
There’s definitely some that you are missing–like 1920x1080, 1280x720.
Main aspect ratios to support are 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10

You should dynamically support all resolutions available.

I would go (if possible) for:

4:3 -> 1024x768, 1280x960, 1600x1200
16:10-> 1280x800, 1440x900, 1920x1200, 2560x1600
16:9 -> 1280x720 (720p), 1366x768 (Laptops), 1920x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160
21:9 -> 2560x1080, 3840Ă—2160p

Thank you for your replys :slight_smile:

Yes thank you, but a look at List of common resolutions - Wikipedia “common” hmm
I would focus on some important ones for now, but i am confused.
The “ingame look thing” i did too, but i was not sure if it shows only compatible options for my gfx/display?
Thank you :slight_smile:

So far i looked into that thing, i get a standard dropdownmenue to choose reso there?
Not acceptable, to professional sry only kidding ^^
A setup with own drawvariables, where i read out user selection and put that as text on screen, seem to complicated for me.
Correct me, if i am wrong?
Thank you :slight_smile:

That’s a nice list, thank you very much too. :slight_smile:

Most games list all of the screen resolutions that are available in the game, not just the ones for your monitor, otherwise you would only have a few resolutions listed.

There’s a better list of resolutions here: Display resolution - Wikipedia

Thank you very much, extended :slight_smile:
That was some sort of stuff i not really like, so boring repeating and precise errorchecking, exhausting someway.

How about ultrawide resolutions? I see a good amount of those monitors when browsing online.

Edit: I see that you do have some slightly wider resolutions, I just wasn’t sure whether or not those were the actual resolutions I was referring to.

What i now really like with that UMG stuff, is that the “nesting” works similar to CSS /DIV.
Before that i used standard draw commands for everything, but screenposition calculation is much more tricky with pure draw, when changing resolution.
Audio Options and mouse sensitivity could wait, for now.
Every sector of UE is worth digging into, so far.
I regret nothing!

Thank you again :slight_smile: