I have always wanted someone to make a BP node and C++ equivalent list but I don’t think anyone has(or I don’t remember seeing one), although if you already know how to code you probably know a lot of both already.
I guess it would also depend on what exactly your trying to do, I have also seen a lot of people saying they can prototype faster in BP.
Oh yes, LOL oh yes! BP is where I brainstorm. Don’t mistake me at all man this engine is pure gold for its diversity. Just now I am making a new class and testing this concept. It is so unique and different an hour later and everything is fully functional for the initial test. Make sure things work, make a modifications, test it, rinse and repeat until it is finished then and only then if needed, move it to line by line code.
Agreed, and another thing to note is that if you do not have programming experience, the fact that C++ is faster will not matter, as you won’t even be able to come up with anything that will be too slow for a while anyways.