Which is faster? Coding in C++ or designing visual blue prints?

Is it faster to develop using event graph blue prints or just typing out the code in C++? In the long run, which is better?

Ideally the best answer would come from someone who is proficient in both C++ and the event graph blue print editor.

Which do you prefer? C++ or blue print visual editor?

Should I learn C++ since I have a c# background or should I just learn to use the blue print event graph editor?

it depends, i use a mixture of both (c++ for systems, BP exposure for artists and other non-programmers)

i find BP to be super fast for prototyping ideas but usually do the heavy lifting in c++

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Precisely. Honestly I prefer C++ as it is so much faster to type “variable /= 7*((18/5)*((pi/22)*7))” than to create all of these nodes:

I think that it would vary from person to person, some might code quicker and some might blueprint faster.

the egg.

This is one of the best tutorials I’ve ever seen. I’ve learned so much just by making those comparisons.

You wouldn’t happen to know a tutorial/website/resource that just shows blue print code and it’s C++ equivalent?

That was my point and the egg may or may not be correct though depending on what belief and up bringing you had.

It depends.

In some ways I find the Blueprints easy and in others it is easier to code it C++ or asm{ }

so the answer is going to bring more confusion than help.

I have always wanted someone to make a BP node and C++ equivalent list but I don’t think anyone has(or I don’t remember seeing one), although if you already know how to code you probably know a lot of both already.

I guess it would also depend on what exactly your trying to do, I have also seen a lot of people saying they can prototype faster in BP.

The tutorial is also wrong…


Oh yes, LOL oh yes! BP is where I brainstorm. Don’t mistake me at all man this engine is pure gold for its diversity. Just now I am making a new class and testing this concept. It is so unique and different an hour later and everything is fully functional for the initial test. Make sure things work, make a modifications, test it, rinse and repeat until it is finished then and only then if needed, move it to line by line code.

Lol. Character Limit

C++ is faster and more powerful.

However if you don’t have ANY programming skills, you’ll have very hard time using C++. Even its simplified unreal version.

The chicken.

Agreed, and another thing to note is that if you do not have programming experience, the fact that C++ is faster will not matter, as you won’t even be able to come up with anything that will be too slow for a while anyways.

well yes and no but if anyone wants to discuss it its probably best to do so in a new thread so this one doesn’t get derailed:).