Which engine/ini settings are changed when adding a Metahuman to a project?

I accidentally added a Metahuman to my main project while having it open in Bridge and I didn’t check which settings got changed during the import dialogs…

Some of my shaders haven’t been working properly since I added it and was wondering which project settings were changed. I already disabled the LiveLink plugins. Can anyone shed some light on which settings are changed during the import?

Here are the MetaHuman settings that get changed in case anyone needs to undo an import:

Project settings:

r.GPUSkin.Support16BitBoneIndex = True
r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluences = True
r.SkinCache.BlendUsingVertexColorForRecomputeTangents = 2
r.SkinCache.CompileShaders = True
r.SkinCache.DefaultBehaviour = 0
SkeletalMesh.UseExperimentalChunking = 1

Plugin & project settings:

fx.Niagara.ForceLastTickGroup = 1


LiveLink Control Rig
Sequencer Scripting

It’s “DefaultBehavior”