Which device profile is used during android packaging to clamp texture resolution?

Which device profile is used to limit the max texture size placed in a packaged build?

Obviously the packager cannot know what device the game will run on during packaging, so I assume it is just the default base “Android” device profile being used for this? It’s not clear to me and I can’t find any documentation on this.

I tested changing the max texture size of the texturegroups in all the android profiles and it seems to correctly limit the maximum packaged texture resolution to what is in the device profiles. But I can’t figure out which device profile the packager is using during packaging.

The device profiles don’t seem to appear anywhere in the packaging menu or the project launcher window. The only configurable thing is the texture format (ASTC,ETC1,ETC2,…).

Just to clarify, I am asking about which device profile is selected during packaging and not during runtime. This is for reducing APK size.


From what I can tell it seems the platform profile is used, but I would appreciate clarification from EPIC if possible.

From DeviceProfileManager.cpp:

void UDeviceProfileManager::LoadProfiles()

		if (!FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData())
			// Register Texture LOD settings with each Target Platform
			ITargetPlatformManagerModule& TargetPlatformManager = GetTargetPlatformManagerRef();
			const TArray<ITargetPlatform*>& TargetPlatforms = TargetPlatformManager.GetTargetPlatforms();
			for (int32 PlatformIndex = 0; PlatformIndex < TargetPlatforms.Num(); ++PlatformIndex)
				ITargetPlatform* Platform = TargetPlatforms[PlatformIndex];

				// Set TextureLODSettings
				const UTextureLODSettings* TextureLODSettingsObj = FindProfile(*Platform->GetPlatformInfo().VanillaPlatformName.ToString());
