Which charachter creator should we use?

We are looking to use your platform to create personal avatars for our users. We would like each user to have their own unique avatar which would be customized via our mobile app. We would like to know if that is possible using your platform. The following items below are what we want to do.

  • Face recognition. Allowing the user to upload a photo of themselves to put on their avatar.l
  • Update avatar based on user’s progress. For example, if the user just recently loss weight or has gained muscle we would like that to reflect on the avatar
  • Customize avatar with real-life purchases. For example, the user would like to try on a shirt or new haircut they are looking to purchase.

Can someone tell us which program we should use to accomplish this? Thanks

iv been told that character creator the full version does all of this stuff and is really good and its commercially available on there websight im tempted to use it myself too :slight_smile: would be the best software to use as its industry standard :slight_smile: