Sorry if this post is incorrect, I was “too new” to reddit to post on the subreddit.
After getting a good grip on character workflow with Unreal I figured it was time to start looking into level design, more specifically - Linear level design… as that would fit more inline with my game idea.
After exhausting google search results and chatGPT I cannot for the life of me find a good place to start to explore. Nearly everything I see is “SPEED LEVEL DESIGN” and “HOW TO MAKE AN OPEN WORLD” which is frustrating because a lot of these don’t generally reflect level design, but rather environment art.
I’m hoping to find some content that is more aligned to different styles of world building, and/or smaller based map design. Like the good ol days where distant objects were environment textures and geometry was at an all time low. I really don’t want to build an entire city just to walk down one street. Could anyone point me where to start? Much appreciated.
I guess I am just looking for more “faking it” techniques for environment setting. Such as designing small multiplayer maps, but using (INSERT MISSING TERMINOLOGY HERE) to make the map "feel bigger. If that makes any sense…
I am hoping there is someone that specializes in smaller map design and faking size using various methods other than actually creating a geometrical environment the player will never explore. I.e Mountains in the distance to hide the horizon. Or a steampunk city, but majority of the city isn’t explored and is just a backdrop around the map to give that feeling of large size and scale.
I’ll leave open for now in case I get some more suggestions.