Where to upload mp4 video?

Where can i upload video for streaming on my app,like this video from example.


It need to have a direct link to the video so it will automaticaly play.

have you tried using Google Drives online storage service? Using a handy trick like here Google Drive Direct Link Generator will return a direct link to all files you upload, including video.

Yes i tried but its opening a link where you need to hit play button…tested it on my app and its not working,the video from unreal engine link its working

I don’t recommend using google docs as it is not ment for this kind of use, you need some video hosting service, it can be even normal HTTP server. Look on those side and see info what protocols can be used:

YouTube over RTSP is technically possible (I know Uncharted 3 used it to host videos in multiplayer menu), but they have API access regulations (You app would need to have API key) and there possibility that UE4 media player would not able to access it without code modification, i not really sure it depends on how there access authentication works. YouTube is known to not like people freely download or play videos using unauthorized applications.

Other then that you need to google to find favorable hosting service, at minimum all you need to have is a file in HTTP some server and there countless hosting options. Just remember that your app can produce quite traffic on that server, so you need to pick a host that won’t mind that, always read the rules and what you trying to do most likely won’t be treated as “private use”.