Hey guys,
After like 100000000 hours of 3D Modelling i thought it would be a good idea to start to learn some blueprint scripting.
While reading here and there on the forum about blueprints i noticed that the whole blueprint system changed a lot since the lauch of UE4.
So im looking bascially for a good starting point / resource to learn blueprints but not the “outdated” stuff…
Any help which points out up to date learning resources “for starters” would be appreciated.
In my opinion the best way is to follow the expert advise https://www…com/user/UnrealDevelopmentKit/playlists?shelf_id=17&view=50&sort=dd
A second step, download projects from the learn tab and begin messing around with existing projects.
Start a project but keep it small, when starting out (very important)
Good Luck!
Hey thanks for the link… but i see a lot of 4.0 to 4.8 content… isn’t it like learing something that works alreday different ? I mean from what im reading blueprints changed a lot right ?
For the most part the information is still accurate. If not, check with a search on the node name and such.
ok nice, thanks again!
A lot of the tutorials and suchlike are outdated but are still invaluable . i find that most things are still available or have been streamlined and if i cannot find a particular node or button used in the tutorial i do a quick google search and 9 times out of 10 i find the answer . The advice i have been given time after time by the awesome guys on this forum is simply do not give up . The reward for finally figuring something out and getting it working far outweighs the frustration of getting there . Good luck
So last year i went to redo the AI example from the documentation, at the time it was not really updated, and had trouble to create specific nodes as well. My point, try something from the videos first, before going with something more complex and abstract.
@mr_starfire Thats true but time is also very valuable, especially when your time is limited. In order to learn something new “quick” i personally would prefer something up to date.
Looking up something outdated here and there might be ok but if you need to look up somethung every 3 minutes, thats kinda inefficient.
That whilst true is probably always going to be the case since the development of unreal changes so quickly these days . A tutorial might be written for 4.16 today and the nodes might change name or have extra features etc in 4.17 .In general youtubers do not update the methods every single time a new build comes out … Im not even sure that epic do that…PS i have 4 children time is something i do not get a lot of
if you dont like shooters it really doesnt matter, this tutorial is really good and will learn you almost everything about BPs (95% of code is usable to any other game genre)
I second this. Keeping a project small is vital to learning blueprints and keeps you from burning out. I also have to add that a major key to learning blueprints is to be really good at your google-fu.
Hey there
To me the most efficient way to grab new skills is to make small learning projects and to follow tutorials (I personally do everything the guy in the tutorial does, I don’t just follow them).
I think the idea is to start-off with the Blueprint Introduction by Epic Games, because even if it is “outdated”, it’s just a good sum up of the logic you’re going to use all the time. This is a good starting point, especially if you’re not initially a programmer.
And as Name368 suggests, the ShooterTutorial is a really good piece of tutorial and it might be the first step before starting a learning project.
All-in-all I think you should not care much about “outdated” stuff regarding Blueprint. Most of the time you won’t see any difference and as people said, if you don’t find a node just search for its new name / new way of doing it and you’ll be fine (won’t happen that much imho).
Many thanks for the advice to all of you!