Where to Start?

I’ve been really bored as of lately and have this constant itching for something more. The current games that are out aren’t filling the void enough to constitute fun or at least alleviate me of said boredom. I’ve wanted to work in some form of entertainment for a while now, several years basically. In that time I’ve just thought and thought of things I wanted in games or a show just like anybody else. The boredom I’ve experienced lately makes me want to breath life into some of the ideas I have so badly. I’ve just been too lazy and hesitant about starting something or learning something. I haven’t explored around on the Unreal Engine in a while. So I want opinions/answers on somethings.

Is Unreal Engine a good place to start to learn in terms of game development (and whatever else the program has to offer)?

What other programs are there that either are easier or help in the process?

How many different steps/layers are there to creating a game?

How long does it take to create one normally? (Of course it depends on the people/person developing and type of game being made I would assume)

Are there guides on how to do or start a certain process?

Is it possible to export(?) a game created in the Unreal Engine to consoles? (Personally I prefer a controller compared to mouse/keyboard for certain games. I feel like the question is silly, but I mean can anyone get a game exported)

Is there an ideal setup in terms of hardware that would be ideal for working with this engine/process? (example like dual monitors or something of the sort)

I wish I had more questions. It seems so amateurish having so few questions worded in such a silly way. I’m basically just curious before I actually get into it and get disheartened or something. Whatever other useful information somebody can provide would be awesome because I doubt these questions cover a fraction of what there is.

It’s hard to answer your questions when we have no idea what kind of game you’re thinking about making. For example, if you wanted to make a visual novel, you might as well just use Renpy. That way it’s all just art and writing, no real programming required.

I love UE4 and personally use it, but honestly Unity has a lot more tutorials out there, and C# is easier to learn imo than C++.

The programs you would use depends on what kind of game you’re making. A text adventure just needs a text editor. If you’re making a 2D game you’d need a 2D art and animation program. Most of the time you wouldn’t use a 3D modeling program to make a 2D game. But there are exceptions. For example, Dead Cells uses 3D models to create the 2D animations and normal maps.

If you’re making a 3D game, you’re going to need a 3D modeling program like Maya, Modo or Blender. If the art style is super low poly then it’s a lot less work. You just model it, suck some color on it, rig and animate it. But if you’re doing high poly stuff, you’ll probably want a sculpting program (probably ZBrush) to make the high poly model, then retopo to low poly, rig it, animate it, and texture it.

That’s just taking about the art, then you have to get the music, voices, ECT in there and actually program it. And while you’re programming the game, you have to test for bugs and fix it (which will cause more bugs).

It takes forever to make a good game. I don’t remember who they are, but they say your first 10 games are going to suck, so get them out of the way asap. Seriously, don’t try to make a AAA game as your first game. Don’t even try to make a game for others to enjoy.

You’re also going to have to be a lot more specific than just asking if there are guides to starting a certain process.

UE4 can export to all the consoles that matter, but you have to apply to publish on their platforms before you can.

No offense but if the questions you’re asking are this vague and you can’t be bothered to Google them, you probably will end up disheartening before you finish your first game. Asking questions like these just seems like you’re holding off some more to actually start.

If you want my advice, stop stalling and just dive into it. Find some tutorial on YouTube and follow along. If programming isn’t for you, then look up how to do 3D art. Blender is a free program, join someone else’s art team or convince a programmer to help you make your game. Even if you don’t like 3D modeling, you could be a texture artist, rigger or animator. Or do 2D art or music. If none of that works out, just make a visual novel so you really only have to write a good story and get some free art and music online. There are so many aspects to making a game that if you research every single aspect of it, you’ll never start.

TLDR: Stop asking pointless questions and just start making a game. You’ll hopefully learn what you need to know along the way.