Where to start? (turnbased rpg)

The reply saying ‘don’t make that game’ is valid most of the time as people usually come here with no clue just an idea. But if even half of what you wrote above is true, you definitely have enough resilience to make this happen. A proof of concept prototype anyway. So go for it. Start by reading beginner threads like the one below and take onboard any advice that helps.

Blueprints are programming and yet they aren’t. They’re certainly the easiest form of ‘NOT’ programming ever. Overall, BP may or may not be enough to ship a full game though (its an unknown at this point). But you can definitely build a high quality prototype that gives you options later, such as hiring or bringing onboard extra skills to complete a production game.

But don’t worry about any of that right now, especially as there are 100’s of Marketplace packs to help support your programming weaknesses. Achievement at something is work-put-in times natural ability. So as long as you’re resilient you’ll finish a prototype at least. And if you’re really determined you’ll get a good quality prototype done. After that who knows… 80%-90% of indie games fail anyway. As most games are really just passion projects (not a viable business). So a bit of good luck / timing / relevance / providence is an essential part in all of this. :wink: