Where to start for a walkie talkie

I have researched a lot and am at a loss. Where should I look so I can research how to make a walkie talkie in game that picks up all sounds around it. any help, or point in the right direction is greatly appreciated!

EDIT - So far I am thinking of having 2 audio listeners and moving one to where to other player is when using the walkie talkie. But how would I add another listener?

Hey @AuthenticChops!

A few questions to help get the ball rolling:

  • Are you recording player mic audio, multiple players, or a player and their environment?
  • Could you provide screenshots of your blueprints and set up so far so we can get a better understanding of what you have done?

Any additional specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem!

Hey @Quetzalcodename ,

Thanks for replying.

I am handling the player mic audio through VOIP. So far the players can talk to each other in proximity. I want the walkie talkie to feed all sound info of the position of there a player is using it if that makes sense.

I am not sure what blueprints you need to see but the game is replicated through advanced sessions and I have some actors that play sound through the audio component attached to them with attenuation.

Thank you!