This drove me insane for quite a while. For mine, My game was set up as an “App” not a “Game” when I put it onto the Google play console, so it won’t appear in game projects.
Head to dashboard and click your app, go to grow users>store settings>app category.
Hi! Thanks for the info!
Actually I’ve found that App ID should be taken from Google AdMob.
But I can’t setup UE 5.5 to start ads properly, seems like it is completely broken now.
Thanks! I think it makes sense to just create own plugin to make calls to Android SDK. Do you know where to put APL file with my plugin ? For now UE just ignores it.
public class {Yourproject} : ModuleRules
public {Yourproject}(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
// Add Public dependencies
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });
// Uncomment if using Slate UI
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });
// For online features
if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
// Set the correct path to the UPL file
string PluginPath = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "..", "..", "Build", "Android", "AndroidAds_UPL.xml");
AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add("AndroidPlugin", PluginPath);
I will add that out of everything I’ve done with unreal.
Trying to get AdMob to work was by far the worst experience I’ve had, It’s so needlessly difficult, The requirements so oddly specific and is absolutely neglected by unreal.