Hi there! I’ve made an animation for Axe swinging and my question is where do I put it? I have a button called “Chop Tree” and when you press that button I’d like to trigger the Axe Animation to play. I’ve tried tying it to the button but I can’t seem to reference my animation within a blueprint. I tried grabbing it by unchecking the “content sensitive” box, but when I put the code to create level sequence>Play, nothing happens. So then I tried tying the animation to my character blueprint and again nothing happens. Maybe I’m using the wrong code? Maybe I’m fully missing a step? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much I was able to get it working! Just wondering though, if you know how to make it go back to normal after the animation is over? When I enter the trigger box, the swing animation starts but once I leave the trigger box the swinging stops but now my character is stuck in the swing start pose. I’m unsure how to get it to go back to the original animation. Clearly the “stop” node is not what I need.
Create an anim montage from the sequence, and use a play montage commands on the mesh or character. Ig the anim bp is setup right, it should automatically go back to idle or walking or whatever when the montage is done.
Thank you for your help I genuinely appreciate it! I had no idea I even needed a montage I was just using play animation so thank you for the help <3
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