Removed the StructBox plugin from the current version of the engine. I actively use in his project and now I can not update the project to the current version of the engine. To remove it from the code, I will have to revise several global systems, which is extremely inconvenient.
Why was it removed? Do I now have an alternative solution, except to stay at 4.21 or redo a part of the project?
Hey, as per this forum discussion (Unreal Engine 4.22 Released! - #153 by Nerdsbeware - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums), it has been removed because it was “unsupported, unmaintained, and unfinished”, however, seemingly, you can just add it to your own project, recompile it, and it should work. You’ll have to support it yourself from now on though.
Thanks for the answer. I did that. I have already created an alternative for myself.
I begin to confuse such an approach, when entire modules are simply deleted without warning to the community, or without creating an alternative.
Well, to be fair, this plugin has always been marked as “Beta, might be unstable or removed without notice, please use with caution”.