Hello I am having some trouble getting my character to properly play animations like to pickup an object, push a door open, and pressing a button when overlapping the objects hit box and pressing the corresponding interact button. The problem I am having is when I press the interact button everything seems to work except the character gets stuck in the animations pose as if its looping but its just frozen. I can still move the character but no longer get the locomotion animations…I’ve been trying everything I could think of but I am relatively new to this so I’ve hit a wall.
If anyone could just give me some advice to point me in the right direction I’d really appreciate it.
sounds like it plays the animation in your state machine in the animBP but has no ruleset to EXIT that animation… and if it does have a ruleset to exit, there’s no rule to enter back to the walking blendspace, its explained pretty well in the web series at a basic level.