Where is UnrealObjectPtrTool conversion tool?

Hi. I follow this guide (Unreal Engine 5 Migration Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation) but can’t find this tool in my solution hierarchy. I’m trying to migrate project from early acces version to new official release. Any ideas?

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Find solution with migrating! Please, delete config folder and regenerate project files)

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  • The launcher version engine seems does not include UnrealObjectPtrTool.exe, at least in my case.
  • I could find and compile it from the source version of the engine.
  • But after running the tool, I can see only the message below, and does not change anything.

C:\Work\GitHubDesktop\UE5\Engine\Binaries\Win64>UnrealObjectPtrTool.exe C:/Users/MyName/AppData/Local/UnrealBuildTool/Log_UHT.txt -SCCCommand="p4 edit -c UPGRADE_CL {filenames}"
LogUnrealObjectPtrTool: Display: Upgraded successfully.  0 upgrades found; 0 upgrades performed

What am I missing?

What I did:

  1. Change Engine\Programs\UnrealHeaderTool\Config\DefaultEngine.ini to:
  1. Open Unreal Editor ( or rebuild and run if you are using source )
  2. Unreal Editor > Refresh C++ Project
  3. Unreal Editor > Compile C++
  4. Check C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log_UHT.txt for:
[2022.05.31-22.32.47:862][  0]LogCompile: D:/MyGame/Source/MyGame/Public/MyPlayer.h(54): Native pointer usage in member declaration detected [[[UPaperFlipbook*]]].  Consider TObjectPtr as an alternative.

It’s probably what’s missing from the log file.

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If anyone else is having this error when trying to use UnrealObjectPtrTool.exe:

[2022.06.01-02.56.58:635][ 0]LogWindows: Warning: CreateProc failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x00000002)

I created a project on GitHub as an alternative, it looks like the Unreal Engine version uses Perforce ( p4 command ).
It could also be a problem that I’m not using the c: drive.


I hope it helps!