In a character blueprint, if you try and make a function called Jump it just opens one nested under Pawn > Character.
Where is this coming from? Is there a list of these invisible function graphs somewhere?
there is also a list of functions to override, but ‘jump’ is not one of them.
oh - is this a bug? it doesn’t compile. I am so confused!
Hmmm… seems like maybe it is a bug - so the question is, why can’t I override ‘jump’ like I can with so many of the other inherited functions? why doesn’t it show as an inherited function?
Hi Asher S Einhorn,
Jump is a function that is part of the character class that is defined in the engine’s source code. All of the other functions listed in the overridable section are events, which react to a certain thing and then activate instead of actually executing any code. This is why it cannot be overriden through blueprints. If you wish to override it for use in blueprint, you would need to get the source code version of the engine and you would have to do so using C++.
Otherwise, I would suggest, if you wish to make a jump function of your own, calling it a different name to avoid this error. As for actually making one, you should be able to get quite a few ideas from this post: Is there a way to stimulate jumping using Blueprint? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
Hope this answers your question. Have a nice day.
Hi Asher S Einhorn,
We haven’t heard from you in a while. Was my answer helpful? If you still require assistance, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help.
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As it seems like you are no longer experiencing this issue, I’ll be setting this question to resolved for the meantime. If you do still require assistance, please comment and the issue will reopen.
Have a nice day
this helped me a great deal, thank you.
is there a difference between input actins and anim mont for having things happen in the world?