Although I got some things going right, I still got a ton of problems.
Matinee: Unable to attach the matinee player to the custom Matinee Actor that I created. Its not showing up in the blueprint list. Unable to get Fade in to work with Matinee.
The Weapons lines Trace system is all working except for one thing, its shooting but not killing or destroying or decreasing the health of the enemies. Because the logic has not been built in the widget blueprint because I don’t know how to write the logic for it
so because I don’t know how to do all the maths for the logic I’m stuck with a weapons trace gun that can’t destroy or damage any enemies.
The only way I can decrease the widget health bar is by tapping the F key except that’s no good to me either because its decreasing the health bar when I’m not even near the enemies.
I can’t create a Credit Score counter in the hud, after picking up credits. Again I don’t know the blueprint logic for building this function in the hud to keep track of the number of credits that are being collected up.
Can someone show me how to create a simple credit counter? I need help because I was never strong at maths which is why I can’t
build up the logic code functions.
I also cannot create a droid remaining counter in the hud to decrease down the number of droids remaining because I don’t know how to build that math function in the hud so when the line trace hits them the droid health decreases until it gets destroyed, and the droid remaining counter will also decrease as as well as they get destroyed, because at the moment the weapons line trace system can’t destroy any enemies.
At the moment, I got the health draining
the enemy health bar by tapping the F key when you get near the enemy because I couldn’t get the trace system to do it for me in the hud.because all I want to do I check the widget health bar, if 0 destroy the enemy and then decrease the Droid remaining counter.
So I got a weapons trace gun system all working but not able to damage or destroy any enemies because of the missing maths in the code.
The Health bar widget is set to 100. The enemies (603) of them are SPAWNED in the map periodically by a couple of spawners
in the level.
So the weapons trace system has to tell the spawner to decrease the widget health bar when enemy is hit by the trace. I don’t know how to code this in the widget Blueprint so I’m stuck…If you don’t know the maths to build the logic then you cannot build the function.
The other thing I want to do, is when I collect up a credit in the game, that it adds the credit value to a simple tally score counter in the hud
called Credits: The credit being collected up will be assigned a random interger between 50-200 to determine its worth.
Yet I can’t even build this maths function, yet I can explain the functions I want, I just don’t know how to actually build it with the nodes…
What I want to get done only requires a few simple blueprint nodes to do it.
But because I was never good at doing maths, is why I having alot of major problems in trying to build all the maths functions needed
for my game.
So I need someone here to explain or show me how to build up a simple score counter or credit counter function in the hud because you have to bind it into the Hud with a function that you have to build the function from scratch with maths logic and if you are no good at maths, you can’t so easily build it…