Where is the solution explorer?

I am trying to follow a udemy course. I am supposed to go to the Solution Explorer. Where is it? How can I bring that window up? I am using linux. The course is taught in Windows, and it is a few years old. Any help appreciated.

I don’t really know what you mean. IDE’s are used to program inside of UE4 with C++, if you only want to use UE4’s blueprints then you don’t need to use an IDE. Remember to mark my answer to your previous question as correct.

Ugh, yes you are right. I should have looked closer. Thanks.

UE is able to compile stuff, but I’m not sure what the IDE should be for Unreal in linux. Does it come with one? Hmmmm…

I think you are talking about Visual Studio, am I right? Go into View → Solution Explorer, in the top left corner.

Apparently Visual Studio is not available for linux. There is a version of Visual Studio Code available, which is a fancy text editor, apparently. What’s the normal workflow for people working in linux? Am I just heading for endless frustration?

You can use other IDE’s, a more lightweight solution would be VS Code. https://code.visualstudio.com/

No sorry, I don’t have advice for that.

Thanks. I see documentation from Epic about setting up Qt Creator. Any advice on that? I guess I should try - I already have it installed…