Where is the "rename multiple actors" function in Unreal 5.1?

Here’s what I’m talking about (Recorded in UE 4.27.2)

Screenshot from UE 5.1.1

Would it not just be the big search bar under there?

The searchbox was already there in 4.27 and it’s used to filter details, even of you right click the actors in the outliner the “rename” button is grayed out.

I’ve already made an actor utility to rename them, but it was faster to just type there, I can’t understand why they removed it (if they did, maybe they have just moved it somewhere else)

Maybe in the right click menu for it?

I see what you mean though. It’s actually renaming the compinents when you type into it, not just filtering.

As I said in my previous comment, “rename” in the right click menu is grayed out, and even F2 is not working:

I’m renaming actors in the world outliner, not components (apparently I’m the only one who used that feature, I asked all my colleagues and they didn’t even know it was there :sweat_smile:)

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Yea same here. I usually just import things into the level with the correct name or in the correct sub folder.

Still, you have a valid quesrion but you should likely file a bug report on it.

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Me too, I have OCD and that’s why I’m trying to organized the actors placed by the level designers :rofl::sweat_smile:

I have a bad experience with bug reports, I filed several, only one was accepted, and it’s been marked as fixed (While in reality it’s been completely broken).

I think i’ll fix it by myself with a plugin, I was only curious if it was moved somewhere where I can’t see it (like the compile button).

Thank you for your support by the way!

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OMG, I found the solution while I was showing the issue to a friend…
There’s a tooltip on the void :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I’m glad I found the solution, they could make it more visible :sweat_smile:


Hi Everyone ,

i found this really nice plugin (you can download on the git page)

Thank you Ryan for sharing

Have a nice day.

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wow, great to know, thanks!
They could make it more clear tho… who would thought the blank space meant to batch rename actors?

Only thing I missed is that it wont rename adding numbers, like when you copy an actor. Everything select will have the same name

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As of UE 5.4.4, there’s a built-in experimental plugin called “Advanced Renamer” that lets you right click and rename while adding numbers.
Screenshot 2024-09-30 152840


that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing

Welcome to the forums!

could you share a light on how to use the tool? I openend the Renamer unreal project but I’m yet to understand how to use it

Run the editor widget

Select the objects, assign new name in the input, set the starting offset

Press rename

Hi Ares9323

Unreal 5 needs really smacking on the wrist for this one !!!

Well spotted and i know it will save many hours of development !!!


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