Where is the log (or, export log as .txt) in app?

Hi folks,
So, I’ve created a simple card game for non-human primates (lemurs) using UE4, and I’m keeping track of how often the lemur gets the test right or wrong, and I want to export that data as a .txt file, or any other kind of file.

I’m looking through my Kindle and phone’s files in the file browser and can’t seem to find where the log is stored on the actual mobile device. Does anyone know either where the log is stored on the mobile device, or if there’s a blueprint way of exporting the log data as a separate .txt file (and hopefully email it to our team).


I unfortunately don’t know the answer to your question, but wanted to say that is a really cool use of UE4 lol

Hah, yeah, it’s definitely not using UE4 to even moderate potential, but it’s a project I’m working on, and I needed to make the jump from UDK to UE4 and figured it’d be a good opportunity to learn blueprints and all the other new features. I’m excited about potentially getting to interact with the lemurs themselves!