Where is the known issues section for ongoing issues w/ the platform?

I remember the Star Citizen posts!

This was partially solved for UE with the Bug Tracker (Specifically in the context of being able to see if something is a known issue or not) - The closest thing we have to that is searching for a topic on the Forums and seeing if there is an automated ‘Bug Tracker’ response.

Technically UEFN is still in “Beta”, so I think that could be an arguing point against creating any systems for tracking/exposing bug data at this time.

Ideally, once it’s out of Beta, that neck-deep pool of bugs should be uh… ankle deep. And then maybe systems could be created to manage that volume?

In the overall context of this platform - in the future we might consider this ‘The Bad Old Days’ (as opposed to The Good Old Days)

Thank you for making detailed posts about systems to handle known issues.