I’m trying to find the GearVR plugin but my eyes must be failing me!
Hi Amblix172,
To enable the plugin go to the Window drop-down > Plugins. Search for Gear and check Enable.
Here is a forum thread on the plugin where users are discussing it’s functionality and how to use it.
Thank you! I had no idea about the plugins option lol…now my question is there any docs on how to implement? I have only found Unity implementation. The only way I’ve gotten other UE4 builds to work in the Rift were using the template on the forums. I’d like to create my own from scratch so I understand more. Unity you simply drop a prefab, is there something similar in Unreal or do I need to make a BP for it? Either way I’m happy…just need to see how
At the moment your best source of info is the forum link I posted above. We currently do not have any official documentation because the 4.7 release is still technically in beta. We hope to remedy this soon.
For the latest on GearVR support in 4.7 on GitHub, please see this post: