Where is the "Control Space Transform" function in control rig

I was following a tutorial from AndiDev about control rig.

In this picture, he shows a function in the menu for space element, there is a “Control Space Transform” function.

But in my unreal 4.26.1, there is no such function:

Where is the function goes, or how should I show the gizmo for the space element and move it around?

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First, go to plugin and enable “Control Rig”
after that right-click on your skeletal mesh and chose “Create Control Rig”.
now open that new file, if you right-click on a bone name in new file you can see that function

This is not answering the question at all. OP is asking where is this option on the “Control Space” item in the hierarchy, not on bone items. If you create a new “control space” in the control rig editor and then right click on it you can see there is no option for “Control Space Transform” there

I came up against this problem as well - initially I was using UE5 and then I dropped it back to UE4.26 and got the same problem, and then I dropped back to UE4.25 and now I get the “Control Space Transform” option.

Interestingly, in 4.26 and 5.0 when creating a new control rig asset the engine creates it in the same folder as the skeletal mesh you right click on, but in 4.25 it creates a subfolder.

I guess control rig only really works properly in 4.25?

I would now the answere too. 4.27 has the same problem.

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I got the same problem. Any answeres there?

Still not able to change the translation/rotation/scale values of the Space in Control Rig. Does anyone know how to make translation changes?

In 4.26 in the Control Rig Editor, you can change from Forward Solve mode to Setup Mode (upper toolbar, same row as the Compile button).
This will allow you to set the initial transform from any Space.
In Setup Mode, select a Space. Now you can see the Gizmo and you can perform any translation. That will set the Initial and Current Transforms.

Perfect, this solved the issue for me.

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