Where is the best events programming 3D game engine?

Hello, Where is the best events programming 3D game engine?

You want tutorials for Unreal Engine?

Hello everybody, I am new at unreal, I am trying to do a first-person-shooter game.
I don’t have any programming skills and my question is: Can i create a game in Unreal to express the game logic without programming skills?

That’s what blueprints are for… :slight_smile:

I don’t have any programming skill. Can I use always blueprint?

Blueprint Scripting is programming. It’s just visual, simplified, easier to grasp. Rather than writing code, you connect nodes representing code with wires. And yes, you can make an entire game using just blueprints.

You will need to acquire blueprint programming skills.

You’ve been asking the same question for months now; perhaps it’d better to just give it a go to see if that’s something for you.

At this point, seeing how you never reply to the answers / suggestions, I suspect you’re more of a bot, though. That, or someone very forgetful…

I was proven wrong, it seems.


Are blueprint easy-to-use?

Easy? Kind of, yes. You still need to learn a lot.

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Ok, where is a NOCODE 3D game engine or plugin?


I don’t know what it is - so I googled it. The first hit I got was you spamming the same question on another forum, which made people upset so they redirected you to Unreal Engine.

Welcome :slight_smile:

If you want to make a video game, you must learn to program. There is no engine in the world where you click a couple of buttons and bam, playable video game. Sorry.

What is stopping you from trying? The download is here:

Hello, how can i get started in the UE4 game engine?


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