Hi, just a quick question. I haven’t been able to find anything relating to this at all online. I have packaged a version of my game for mac and I’m looking for the Saved folder to delete some save files from the game. Usually on windows this is located at WindowsNoEditor/GameName/Saved/SaveGames I cannot for the life of me find the counterpart on mac. All I see is my packaged game in MacNoEditor/GameName on the desktop, then I right click and click show contents on the .app file to view the folders inside it. I have navigated to UE4/GameName and there are the same two folders there that are on windows by default Binaries and Content however the Saved folder is missing entirely and it isn’t hidden I have checked. I tried booting up the game and saving something to see if it needed to be created from saving something and the data saved but I have no idea where it is because the Saved folder is not there. I know this is a pretty weird question to ask but can someone please help me out on this I’m completely stuck and kind of need to know where the saved stuff is at so I can remove it. Thanks.
In our project, shipping builds are saving to “./Library/Application Support/Epic/[project name]/Saved/SaveGames”. I believe dev builds on mac save to MacNoEditor, though this is from memory since I don’t have a build to test this with at the moment.
We’re using Unreal 4.18 with all default settings. For our packaged game on a Mac the “Saved” folder is not called “Saved”, because the Mac OS integration of Unreal is just different. The “Saved” location that contains the user’s ini files is: /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/[game name]/MacNoEditor
Grogger, may be correct about the SaveGames location. We’re not using that feature yet.
Unreal Staff - if your reading this, please update the Mac documentation about these file locations.
Note: On Mac OS the Library folder in your home folder will be hidden by default. Use the Finder’s View Options command to make it visible.
Further Note: The ini files will not exist in that location until after the game is run for the first time.
P.S. If you think about it, the .app format is really a .rar compressed directory tree of files. Like Java .jar, .war, and .ear files - your executable is not allowed to write directly into the compressed directory structure. That is why a separate location is needed. The …/Library/Preferences/… and …/Library/Application Support/… locations are the Mac way of dealing with this issue.
Ey @anonymous_user_bed5619a thanks for the tip. I’ve been looking for my settings file in MacOS for one freaking hour.