Hey does anyone know how can I get to the Player Character Blueprint? BP_PlayerCharacter? I cant find it. I need it to make a double jump for a player if its even possible???
Hey does anyone know how can I get to the Player Character Blueprint? BP_PlayerCharacter? I cant find it. I need it to make a double jump for a player if its even possible???
In the main viewport, hit CTRL-P and type it
Sorry, didn’t notice it was tagged as UEFN.
There would also work…
but its not… do uefn even have access to blueprint for a player?
Sorry I know zip about UEFN
Hi all, Fixed the tags on this so it no longer shows up in the UE section.
There is no Character Component ‘Blueprintable’ in UEFN.
Good question about double jumping though.
I wouldn’t know how to implement it, but I’m imagining (in Verse) some combination of listening to the JumpedEvent and querying IsInAir. (But I wonder if JumpedEvent will execute if you’re already jumping)
Also, I did a search and found there is an ‘Upward Impulse’ on the Movement Modulator device. This video shows a hack to use a signal remote to trigger the Movement Modulator for double jump.
I see. Yea I was just wondering if it might be possible without any pilots, but anyways thanks for helping out
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