I have a custom enemy Blueprint that i made.
It inherits from the Pawn Class.
There is a skeletal mesh, a capsule, a child actor (the hitbox for his claws), and a UMG element (health meter)
The skelmesh has a physics asset.
there is nothing else.
I did not add a special collision element or test for collision.
I have an AnyDamage node, It works and applies the right amount of damage when the player hits him.
but sometimes he hits himself, and I am not sure where the player needs to hit the enemy.
You mean the Player Damages himself instead of the Enemy?
Use the InstigatedBy property on the Damage Nodes to verify where the damage is coming from. If InstigatedBy is the Player and your receiving damage, then you dont want to apply it because your applying it to yourself.
thanks, Interesting. I haven’t tried it with ‘instigated by’
I was able to fix it with damage causer (Screenshot Attached)
and testing it against the child actor component.
the spider no longer damages himself.
that fixes half the problem.
But my question is what exactly is being tested for collision?
Is it the physics asset, the capsule, the mesh itself, something else.