Where do i find the Google Play License Key?

Hi community and Epic,

i’m following this documentation:
Using Google Play Services Leaderboards

and get stuck on step 5. “Enter your Google Play License Key in the Google Play License Key field”.

I don’t have a clue, where this key should be or even what it is and if i do have it, where i got it from.


Hello uberman,

This is something you will need to setup with Google. I have provided a link below to some information that may help.

Setting Up for Licensing: Como configurar o licenciamento  |  Android Developers

App Licensing Info: App Licensing  |  Android Developers

Make it a great day

Development Tools → Services & APIs

JIC anyone runs across this in the future.


Which one should I use???


Which one should I use???

As of June 4th 2018

Google Play Console

All Apps → Select your app → On the left scroll down to “Services & APIs” → "My Licensekey for this App"

Hi, I need the same help how do you complete this step for setting up Google Play Services for leaderboards, ’
Add the Play Games Services SDK to your production APK to use the APIs’?

I can’t find this in google play console, API’s and Services are in google cloud platform! Spent months on this helppppp!

Did you find a solution?

It is called Product ID on Google Play Console