Where did the "tiling/offset" tab go?

In UE5.4, whenever I dragged a Quixel Megascan surface onto a mesh, I would always double-click on the material instance. Right at the top, there were the “tiling/offset” option that allowed me to adjust the texture to fit the mesh perfectly. Even if the mesh was stretched, I could make it look good using those tools.

However, since upgrading to UE5.5 and the launch of FAB, I’ve noticed that these options no longer appear when I download new surfaces. If I apply textures that I downloaded before the FAB update, the tiling and offset features are still available, as expected.

I’m not sure what to do now or how to adjust my textures otherwise. I’d really appreciate any help or guidance!

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Maybe take a look at this, apparently, Quixel has changed their master material