Where can I to find City Sample Crowds?

Help me please. I want to download “City Sample Crowds” asset, but I can’t to find it anywhere. Can anyone share with me, I will be very grateful.

Hey there @boriseviav! Welcome to the community! Is it available inside your Epic Games Launcher vault here?

Some of the samples were assigned to all accounts initially and should be there. Some of them would have required you to claim the sample assets prior.

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Hello! Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I only have what I managed to add to the library manually. I thought they would transfer all these FAB sets. I have a full Сity Sample, but I can’t correctly extract only the Crowds from there :slightly_frowning_face:

Ahh unfortunately it doesn’t seem like the submodule itself had made the transfer over to FAB. You may be able to request it’s transfer over here:


Extracting the system manually would likely be rather difficult if you’re unsure of what components you need and what you don’t.

Thanks, I’ll try.

Hello, I’m facing the exact issue you had. Did you manage to solve it?

Hello, not yet :slightly_frowning_face:

I am also looking for the “City sample crowds” module

I started a thread here:
but no replies yet :frowning:

I tried migrating the “BP_CrowdCharacter” and even the CitySampleCrowd folder from the big City sample scene to a fresh project. I got some nasty missing C++ class errors though.

I’ll keep investigating in case I find a migration method that works! :slight_smile:

Fingers crossed for a FAB solution soon! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hi, Graham. Oh, that’s cool, good luck to you) Maybe if it works, share it on Git? But I also hope it will appear on Fab soon.

City Sample Crowds has now been added to FAB:

I, fortunately, never got round to figuring out the migration of CitySampleCrowd from the big CitySample scene to a fresh empty project.

Next question, @Epic:
Is City Sample Crowds 5.4 / 5.5 support in the pipeline?
Or is this system to be dropped from active dev?


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