where can i get a course in Unreal

Digital tutors have no tutorials in c++ for UE4.


That should help you :slight_smile:

Most of DT’s stuff, including UE4 content, is limited to the art/design side of game/VFX development. Currently they offer a little on BPs for UE4 and some basic C# for Unity, but that’s as much of programming as you’re going to get from them.

while I like 3DBuzz I have tutorial and it isn’t very well done. The end result is fine but the biggest is the presentation. Normally their tutorials are great but one is just Jason griping about visual studio and C++ for hours. The guy who normally does cometary is totally lost and says maybe 15 words ( if even that) through the entire experience. I recommend it because it is pretty much the only one out there for coverage but it is dry and a gripe fest and not up their usual standards.