Where can I find the TutorialShape.fbx for the tutorial?

Hi. Epic Staff :slight_smile:

I just started UE4. Now doing tutorial.

However, I’m not be able to find (access) TutorialShape.fbx.

Would you give me the path to get TutorialShape.fbx?

Hi, Chance lvey.

I do the tutorial from Menu Bar-> Help->“Tutorial”.
(However, looks different menu between English and Japanese. I use JP)
Then, I choose “In Editor Tutorial: The Basics”.
On 6 pages, It needs download “TotorialShape.zip” from flowing path,

but it shows "404 The page you were looking for was not found. Please verify the link/URL or try starting back at our home page. "

I’m looking for where TtorialShape.zip is :frowning:

Thanks to read.

Hey totosuke, which tutorial are you working with?

So you are seeing this in the Japanese Menu? Can you upload a screenshot of where you this is occuring? I’d like to see what you are looking at

yap, i’m seeing Japanese menu. I have uploaded the pic which show the trouble about to download tutorial data.

I feel sorry to you if this cause by my company internet environment.

I’m waiting for your reply. thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, Chance lvey.

It seems best to do Tutorial in English language than Japanese language.
So now, I close this question.

Thank you to send me reply. I’m keeping study UE4 :slight_smile:


The source tutorials (English) have changed a lot since they were translated into Japanese, and I think that part of the tutorial that involved that sample mesh might have changed or gone away in the English version.

We’re currently working to update the Japanese version of the tutorials to match the English version, which should fix any incorrect URLs like this, but for now I’ve located the file that you’re looking for and will post it here.

Hope that helps!


I feel appreciate your kindly reply.
I got data, and I’m keeping touch tutorial step by step.
I’ll be one of the master of UE!