Where can I find good tutorials?

I can find some good tutorials out there, but it doesn’t feel like I’m learning too much. can anyone point me to a massive tutorial on pretty much everything an indie game dev would need to know? (Mostly about blueprint)

Thanks in advance - Commandgeek24

That’s probably way way way too general of a question. Something like that could be lightyears wide and lightyears deep at the same time. You’re going to want something a little more specific on what you want to achieve, most likely. Like, either how to implement a feature, or a general “how to use blueprints”, but “everything everywhere all at once” is going to be way too big.

I guess how to use blueprints. kind of like there’s 10-hour python and c++ tutorials. I just want it in blueprints.

hmmm. I unfortunately have some difficulty relating to being on that level, as i’ve been working with blueprints since long before the current way they work… so i can’t entirely comment on how good a tutorial might be, but … this seems like it’s pretty decent?

that’s funny, I’ve already done that tutorial! see, I feel like im not getting enough info, as I try and make something and after a few days of making a game, I get a roadblock like how do I fix this or how do I do this kind of thing.

I guess I just feel like I don’t have enough knowledge to make a decent game is all.

I do understand, that especially as a beginner (but this also occurs years later too :smiley: ) that you may not even know what you don’t know, so it can be difficult to ask questions that help you to learn what steps you’re missing. And with a system as complex and encompassing as Unreal, it can be daunting.

Picking through that tutorial, it seems like it should give you the tools to function in the blueprint editor, but of course, it doesn’t really give you a lot of specifics on too many different things.

It might be best to ask something more specific in that case. Combinations of specific and general questions can be helpful. “How do I make an inventory system?” probably has a ton of completely different tutorials out there. “How do I fix this specific problem with the inventory system I created?” might be more helpful.

I think you might be at a point where asking specific questions related to the task you are trying to achieve will be more helpful than “where can i find a good tutorial” :slight_smile:

Experience will help you put together various bits. A year or two ago, I was pretty terrible with blueprints, despite having been exposed to them for years, and understanding how to use the editor, and how to make things. Experience using them in a real product was what brings me to level up and solve various problems.

So… what sort of a roadblock are you at?

I’m not really at a roadblock right now but thanks anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:
I understand what you’re saying and thank you for your time. :slightly_smiling_face:
Oh, and I can’t really find any tutorials on how to make procedural terrain. any pointers on that?

i’ve got no suggestions beyond just a google search for ‘unreal procedural terrain generation’ . sorry :slight_smile:

that’s alright. thanks! :grinning: :grinning:

Check out gamedev.tv.

They have several lengthy tutorials that will guide you through making many small games to completion. Both blueprint and c++. Those are the most comprehensive beginner tutorials I’ve found.

edit: note that procedural terrain is advanced topic and not something you’ll be able to do with blueprints

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ah ok then. I guess all those tutorials are payed for?

I think you can get some of them free through the Learning portal. I dont remember how exactly, but pretty sure epic has made the main ones available for free. I know I didn’t pay for them at least.

Epic has rearranged the learn section since I was using it. There used to be a separate portal you could log into, and thats where the course was available for free.

But I looked at the official website and looks like the course is $12 - at that price I’d call it well worth the money. It will cover many foundational concepts for a beginner and keep you busy probably for a month.

alright I’ll have to check it out.
Got to go.
Thank you both!

To be honest, beginner tutorials are always the same. I’ve watched many free and paid tutorials and courses and they all cover the same thing and sometimes they have one or two new things. I recommend finding something you want to build. For example, FPS, ARPG, platformer, etc; and finding tutorials on more specific things. Those tutorials and courses are taking things a bit further and a bit more advanced, but if you watched a couple of beginner tutorials, then you should be ready.