Where can I find full documentation on Fortnite and Verse API?

This (Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation) documentation is barely tells anything. Most of the classes don’t have some members, some classes like agent or player are not described at all. Visual Studio also doesn’t suggest any code with Verse.

Hey, not sure if these will be old news to you, but some things that have helped me:

  • Verse Language Reference This goes over a lot of the basics of the language syntax and provides some examples. You will also find a lot of code examples on this forum if you search for mentions of specific language features.

  • The digest files (/Verse.digest.verse /UnrealEngine.digest.verse /Fortnite.digest.verse) have a lot of comments in there. You can view these files to see what’s available to use.

  • You can still “go to definition” in VSCode. That applies for the definitions in the digest files and your own code.

I tried it and it seems like documentaion doesn’t lie. some classes don’t actually have any members (most likely they are all internal). Agent and player are still empty which is kinda sad. There are a lot of limitations in this editor. Either way thank you.

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