Where can I download Bullet Train?

Hello, and I am sorry if this is a dumb question. I really want to try out the demo of Bullet Train with my oculus dk2 but I can’t seem to find the demo? In my search, I have read people discussing their experience playing it. But I’ve searched over and over and can’t seem to find the link. If anyone could please help that would be great. Thanks!

It hasn’t been released into the wild yet. Patience.

Oh ok I see. If thats the case then of course I will be patient. thanks!

still not done?

Any news ?

No news at all.

I hope after these days, At least we have HTC VIVE support too…

You should visit this link.

He means the Bullet Train VR Demo. :slight_smile:

Yes, You’re right :smiley:

Has this still not been released?

Maybe look in the TRAINING section of Epics website…

Unless I’ve missed something, the Bullet Train demo is still not available.

Bullet TRAIN >>> TRAINING section

Oh man I’m gonna get banned

@malospam It has been released, download here: Bullet Train on Oculus Rift | Oculus

Getting the project files would sure be nice.

I’m searching for the method used in this project for animating the AI character after taking damage from the player gun…
Any idea where I can find tutorials or documents?