where can i ask more in depth questions.

i am not only new to unreal engine but i am also new to making games at all and i have no clue what i am doing. i have been trying to look up videos on youtube and ask questions here to get to where i want to get but it is just not coming together. i was told before that if i ask for a step by step tuto on how to make what i want here i wouldn’t get an answer because the people here are already making their own thing and don’t have the time to hold my hand. so what i want to know is if anybody know of a place like that. a site where i can describe what i want to make to an expert or something and they would make me a tutoriel video or a pdf that explains step by step how to make what i want.

Unfortunately not really? I mean you could pay someone somewhere like Fiverr or somewhere to personally tutor you but there’s not really anywhere dedicated to it

As long as questions are specific you can use this forum and people will usually answer. Sometimes I see questions too broad that need weeks of studying on various topics to really understand, and then I prefer to link to youtube channels with tutorials or documentation where people need to learn the basics mostly independently. I linked some here:

Any good documentation of the structure, architecture, and internals of Unreal Engine?

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honestly, dont be afraid to ask here. if your question doesn’t get any responses, that usually means people don’t know how to do what you are asking, or its a really basic question

as for step by step “how to make this thing”, break down what you are trying to do into bite sized pieces, and build up from there. for example a good place to start would be “how do i create a menu”, how to i create a save game system", “how do i spawn actors”, “how to i work with object references”, “what is casting”, ect. all these are good, bite sized questions that can help you get started and give direction.

you can also straight up ask things like “im making a rhythm/shooter/builder/voxel/whatever game. can someone give me direction for how to get started?” im sure someone who has experience with those types of games will be happy to help.