i read this from “UE4/Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/BuildConfiguration.xml”:
There are four possible location for
this file: a.
c. UE4/Engine/Saved/UnrealBuildTool
d. My Documents/Unreal
but my one located at “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool” ?
should i create one in “My Documents” or just modify the one from “AppData”?
+in case of overriding which one’s priority higher ?
Thank you for reporting this issue. What version of UE4 did you download when you are seeing the BuildConfiguration.xml showing in AppData? Would that version be a Binary or Source Build?
Have you been seeing any errors with the Editor lately? If not, I would maybe recommend moving that folder over to the correct location and seeing is that affects the Editor at all.
I had a couple of team members check their location for that .xml file and all of theirs, including mine, was located in the UE4/Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
hey extremly sorry.i did not notice your replay.
was looking into my mail for notifications.
most probably i missed it .
there should be a notification in answerhub too.
i am uploading a video showing you what is happening on my side
Thank you for providing that video showing what you are currently seeing. Would there be any files located in the locations that you have provided in the original comment? I was able to see the build tool in the AppData folder and in the one of the locations shown above.
Would you be using a source or binary build of UE4?
In the details of that xml, it is saying that you should make a copy of the xml and then place the copy into the c or d windows explorer location from the locations listed above. If you wish to modify this file, I would recommend doing so.
As for this xml being placed into your Appdata folder, I would leave that file there as it may cause issues if you change the locate and it being referenced.
I am going to continue investigating this issue about that file being referenced in that location on let you know more.
The one in the AppData directory is global for all engine installs on your machine. Last one in wins. The order of checking is
// Check for the user config file under /Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool
// Check for the global config file under AppData/Unreal Engine/UnrealBuildTool
// Check for the global config file under My Documents/Unreal Engine/UnrealBuildTool
It would be worth adding this to the documentation here:
It mentions the locations, but not what happens if there are more than one.
Is it last one wins, or are they merged together with elements from last ones taking precedence? Because it seems from testing that if the AppData/ one doesn’t exist, it always gets created automatically anyway, meaning it would always take precedence regardless of the others?
(from what I could see in the code: it puts each in an array, then parses each one by one, setting values, so it is more of an individual value override system with last values overriding earlier files, but all files sort of merged togetehr)