Where are the logs saved on MacOS when I double click a .uproject file and it fails the build?

I’d like to open an UE project on MacOS.
I downloaded the engine and cloned the project’s repository on Mac.
When I double click on the .uproject file, it tells me “The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version” for my project. And then it asks me “Would you like to rebuild them now?”:

I press Yes and then it tries to build them but fails, and there are compilation errors. The problem that in a second the window closes and all I’m left with is a small window:


And to figure out what is wrong(it compiles on Windows just fine), I need to look at the compilation errors.

It tells me to compile from the source manually and for that I need to generate xcode files, which it doesn’t generate as described in this issue I created: How to generate xcode project files on MacOS?