Where are the default inputs for widgets

Hi, when you focus a widget you can trigger the OnClicked event either by pressing enter or space key (or the A button from a xbox controller), but where are these key bindings established in order to change it? They are neither on the input section of the project setting nor on the configuration file DefaultInput.ini.

Cannot think about in method of overloading/modifying these binding yet. Still, depending of what you wanna do you can manage to solve this. Are you trying to add more key bindings or remove the space/enter key bindings? Which widgets are you trying to affect?

Cannot think about in method of overloading/modifying these binding yet. Still, depending of what you wanna do you can manage to solve this. Are you trying to add more key bindings or remove the space/enter key bindings? Which widgets are you trying to affect?

Hi, I’m trying to remove them. The idea is being consistent with the key binding layout in game, and I would like to know where are the defaults, in order to see if there is more and change them or disable them because I could override one key to do nothing but it would be better to attack the problem from its root.
At present I’m only working with button widgets.

After investigating a bit, managed to find the bindings source. You can find them in the OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp methods of the SButton class (the umg button class in its core is derived from the slate button class.).

  • cpp file path: Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Widgets\Input\SButton.cpp
  • header file path: Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Widgets\Input\SButton.h

You should now be able to attack the problem at its root :wink: hope that answers your question.

· o ·)> Yes there they are, thanks :smiley: