Where are the CPP source files?


I was hoping with the new build (1808360) to see some CPP files for some important class (such as ACharacter, or even APlayerController) and I remember they were planned to be shared. Is this still the case ?

I put some effort doing a lot of programming on things here and here (both in C++ and Blueprints) but I would really like to go in-depth on the player capabilities. Unfortunately I’m stuck because of the lack of transparency regarding some important classes (such as the MovementComponent).

Being able to override some functions such as PhysWalking, PhysFlying and CalcVelocity would be a great start, but since there is now way to guess how these functions currently act I can’t work with them.

I have already took a look inside some of the new Sample (like the Platformer/Shooter sample) but they don’t cover what I’m looking for.

Hi Fabrice,

While some source files are available to Rocket users, more content is released to licensees exclusively. All Rocket Beta source files that you will have access to are located in the folders within the folder: “…/Program Files/Rocket/Engine/Source/”

The release of additional source files is being discussed, but nothing new was released with Beta 4. I hope this answered your question.

Thank you,


I see. It’s bit sad, I understand that you have to keep licensees a bit ahead, I was just hoping to get a bit more help via the cpp files in this new beta. :\

This question still dates back to the Rocket Beta program. All source code is now available to UE4 subscribers through GitHub.