Where are Puzzles?


Anyone a clue where are the template for puzzles ?

Hi, I think it’s gone :confused: I was also wondering where the side scroller template was. If you really want it you’ll need to go into unreal 4 and create a project and the convert it to UE5. If you want the template there always, you can create a custom template Converting a Project to an Unreal Engine Template | Unreal Engine Documentation after you create it in ue4 and convert it . And boom! It’s quite a weird workaround but it’s worth it.

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Hi, thanks for info. Yes, i installed UE4 today and there are all templates. I was thinking about something went wrong during setup, but if it’s gone it’s gone… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip with converting, i’ll try it.

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Yes! Your welcome! (If you have a problem or question I’m here to help just give a holler) :wink: