Where are all actors (UObjects) stored?

Hi Guys,
I was wandering, how does it work inside of the engine itself so i can learn the system in which is the engine built.

I understand how components are connected to Actors, etc. . But I cannot find anything like big TArray/Set in which are stored all Objects and where they call update and render functions.

How are threse things handled?

Thank for any answer.

Vít Gardoň

If you start journey from definition of NewObject<> function (creates any UObject, SpawnActor also ends here) then you finally goes to UObjectGlobals.cpp and this function:

UObject* StaticAllocateObject
    UClass*            InClass,
    UObject*        InOuter,
    FName            InName,
    EObjectFlags    InFlags,
    EInternalObjectFlags InternalSetFlags,
    bool bCanRecycleSubobjects,
    bool* bOutRecycledSubobject

You must have knowledge of UE internals to understand code of this function.Good luck :wink:

Actors are added to a world. So check out the world class. UWorld.