Hello guyzz, I wanted toask you that how do i fix the game being paused again and again, though there is not any pausing variable in the game (endless runner), i fit gets stopped, how would i call it as endless? Please help me
whenever i get to the score 2080*
hey man… you need to provide more info like maybe a video link or your logic for the death of a player. how can anybody suppose figure out the problem? and I don’t think number 2080 cause Is any specific problem.
Yeah, Sure! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0cLF8gjBpoTwM62rvhgmsk_Xp1_G1Vn
Please HElp me out!
Wtf, you place a whole playlist of someone else YT Channel - great info for us!
So my answer is gonna be as good as your information you provide to help you out and here it is:
You delete the game, you delete Unreal Engine, reinstall OS, install UE4 only, work without internet, try on your own until it’s done and fixed and then you can call it to be an endless runner which will not stop when reached 2080 points!
If you really need help - put some effort into your post because those things are unclear now:
- What pause does mean to you? Freeze, pause, stop movement, stop music only, mental break?
- What is a Pausing variable as I never heard about such
- “I fit gets stopped” - pardon?
- What is the scoring point code? As it seems to be most likely the issue source
I could find more questions but if you answer at least those we may be able to help you
If you don’t - it’s impossible to help you by watching someones tutorial series and a poorly written post!
k, i mean that when the score reaches to 2080 points, when the player crosses 208 tiles or floors, the character vanishes and the whole game just stops , ca
mera stops working too, but the coins still rotate
ii. I mean that i have not defined any function or anything like that to pause the game,
iii.if it gets stopped*
As soon as the player colides with the box, the score increases 10 times
Yeah, I noticed that the character gets vanished(including the camera)