When will Twinmotion be fully compatible with macOS and the M1Max chip?

Last news was from November 2021.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community asking about an update to M1 macOS compatibility. At this time I do not have any updated information I can share in terms of timeline.

Twinmotion is based on the Unreal Engine technology and you can follow this thread for further information/details on UE with M1 as we rely on it to make Twinmotion compatible: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-for-m1-apple-silicon/259580/44

Currently, if you want the best experience with Twinmotion (such as VR, 3D Connexion, and Path Tracer features) I recommend getting a PC at this time so you can use all the benefits of the application without having to wait any longer. Many Mac users have a dedicated PC machine for rendering needs as this allows them to keep working on the mac machine and gives them more flexibility and options.

Keep in mind Twinmotion is one piece of the puzzle but the other supporting applications like (Rhino, Sketchup, Archicad, Vectorworks, etc..) also need to be compatible and the Datasmith Exporter plugin will also needs to be compatible.

Hope this helps and thank you for your patience and understanding while we work on supporting M1 chips.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.