When will the new forum be complete?

Before I keep making more requests:    :smiley:

Is this the final state of the forum or will there be further features added?

E.g. how do I change my profile?

What’s with PMs?

Where is advanced search?


Anyone from the CR Team?

it is the almost final state of the forum. There are some more changes on the way.

Changing your profile is / will be possible in the MY section at our webpage. You can change there your forum name now. Avatar and all other information will be possible to setup there as well soon.

The PMs are disabled on purpose as this site is intended to share knowledge publicly so that all other users will be able to find and solve simillar problems.

What do you mean by advanced search?


Hi Michal,

ok, so I’ll be patient a bit longer…  :slight_smile:

I agree with the PM policy in principle - it was one of my aims to follow up on how peoples problems were solved after they PMed.

However, in some rare cases it would be good, especially since the response time is often much better, especially with your Team. Also it is a good way to exchange more private information like email addresses for further communication or download links - not sure you want to read all that in the forum. Maybe there could be a way to make certain members “friends” so they can see those details?

One example would be that I wanted to ask you if and when you will be at the intergeo because I would like to say hello. :slight_smile:

Advanced search was possible in the old forum - a more complex search screen with different parameters. Although I am a friend of simplicity, I fear the forum is a bit too much bare bones at this stage.

Hi Gotz,
Thank you. I understand. We need to think about the PMs little bit more. Maybe jut to note here that user can always contact the team through our contact form.

The search here should be much better than on the old forum. Just give it a try and chance : )

Sure we will gladly meet you at the Intergeo. However, me personally will not be there. But there will be team of 6 members including Martin so we will gladly meet you there.

By the way thank you very much for you activity on the forum. We can sponsor you with free licenses if you are interested … I’ll contact you by eamil.




Hi Michal,

you are right about the contact form but it is very impersonal and might take long. Also, I sometimes want to contact other users about something that isn’t strictly RC related, so shouldn’t be in the forum. Maybe there is a possibility to just exchange contact details between users…

Okay, I will use the search a bit more. I am always in favor of trying!  :slight_smile: Is the search “intelligent” now?

Looking forward to meeting Martin and the rest then, shame you won’t be there…

Thanks for the appreciation! I do learn through that quite a bit myself, so I guess it’s a win-win.

Some constructive feedback.  - Sorry if it is critical - no offence intended, I just wish to help make things better.

In my opinion the new design is unfriendly, making it not just hard but a little unpleasant to use.  I guess much of it is related to the CSS.

  1. The spacing between threads (and even lines) is needlessly massive, about only 1/3 of the data is displayed than before on the old forum.   It makes browsing through the threads needlessly tiresome and is hard on the eyes.  It’s like being stuck walking behind a slow person… incredibly frustrating !

  2. How many views the thread has had has been removed. - This gave a good indication if the topic was widely considered important/relevant to people.

  3. There is now a voting system. - My view is very subjective.   This type of system was tried years ago on many forums then scrapped, due to having little value other than closed groups rubbing each others backs and manipulating the contents for there own agenda…  Maybe our community is more mature, so time will tell. ( I wonder how many down votes this post will get :D)

  4. It’s very narrow -  Surely we are past catering for people with 800*600 displays.  - Maybe it’s so mobile users can easily read?  This really aught to be dynamic.  I’d hate to see what it looks like on a 4k display.

  5. It’s faster :slight_smile: -  Nice.

Keep up the good work. - I appreciate the forum and the posts by all they are a valuable resource.



Hey Ivan,

I voted +1.   :smiley:

I like the description of walking slowly.

Also, I agree with your scepticism of the voting system. It is active, which requires action on behalf of the user, as opposed to the counter, which is passive and therefore shows more widely collected information. However, it is not immune to rigging - it counts every time somebody opens the thread, also the times the thread opener does that. In that respect, rigging it is much easier than the voting system, which needs separate accounts.

I fear that this ludicrous lack of information density (CR is on the better side in my opinion) is a trend that we just have to sit out. I encounter it more and more. Sometimes 3 words per page, the letters 8 cm high. Not kidding. Then I need to use up 0.1 % of my scroll wheel live expecancy to scroll to the bottom, only to realize there is no information either. I vote with my feet and discard many such sites. A lot of people use their smartphones almost exclusively and for them it is much better that way. Entertainment over professionalism! Yay.

A plus side is the new Search, which seems to be doing a much better job than before. Michal, I did try it!  :smiley: