As the topic states; when will the 5.5 Datasmith Twinmotion Content plugin for Unreal Engine will be released?
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YES , I also cannot find the Twinmotion content Plugin for Unreal Engine in NEW FAB.
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I’ve found a solution. I just manualy copied the datasmith twinmotion content plugin folder from 5.3 plugin/marketplace folder to 5.5 plugin/marketplace folder. it give you a warning when you activate the plugin in 5.5 but it works like a charme. hope it helps
Hello, the Twinmotion Content plugin is no longer needed to import a Twinmotion scene in Unreal.
Simply use export Datasmith from TM and Import in UE. See doc here : Twinmotion to Unreal Engine Workflow | Twinmotion Documentation | Epic Developer Community