When will Blender have a direct link?

As the title says. Is Epic planning to develop a direct link add-on with Blender? If so, is there a timeline?

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Long ago I heard someone from Epic say in an interview (posted on YT) that they wanted to simplify the FBX import / export process by automating some things (I think automatic reimport on file change), however it is not present in 4.26 so I doubt it will be there soon.

I see this:

The problem is that those add-ons are not live-linked, and ahve two years now…isn’t anybody working in an improved add-on which introduces the least amount of headache?

I would love to have a live-link, because I’m an Archviz artist and the changes to the projects area constant…

I don’t really know about the dev cycle of the engine, but I’ve seen two hopeful things

  1. Massive donation to Blender by Epic

  2. The incorporation of static mesh and UV editing in UE5.

I think it’s going to come together in the end. I don’t think anyone ever expects a procedural material to make it over from Blender to UE, for instance.

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I think you’re right. I only wished we had some kind of roadmap…and I wouldn’t exclude the possibility of a procedural material being correctly exported to unreal, although I know that’s higly improbable.

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