When will Androids AdMob or any Advertising provider that supports adverts on Android but supported like Apples IAds in Tappy Chicken?
Hi thanks for the response, I re downloaded Tappy Chicken to make sure my version was not old, I have looked through the Tappy Chicken example many times, however the “Experimental Show Add Banners” description states that it shows an iAd and is exclusive to IOS.
However the following page does state that Tappy Check does support Android AdMob
Could you point me into any advert documentation/explanation?? Google only throws up threads about Tappy Chicken and the official documentation throws up blank
Theres already AdMob supported and android Tapp Chicken has it
The mention of iOS-only is out of date; the description and names of the nodes will be updated in a later release. For now, they are EXPERIMENTAL_ShowAdBanner and EXPERIMENTAL_HideAdBanner.
In the project Android platforms Project Settings section, enable Google Play support and add your Games App ID and Ad Mob Ad Unit ID. If you started your project from an older version of the engine, check the AndroidManifest.xml to make sure it includes a com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity activity (see Engine/Build/Android/java for the latest template if needed).
Thank you for the info Chris
This clearly shows how to make sure ads are setup for Android but I can’t find anything related to iOS. I can’t find what I need to configure where. I have a mobileprovision that is set up but I keep getting the following error: “GetAdvertisingProvider called with a module name of None.”