when we switch to 4.27 to 5.2 there is input not on my vehicle .

You should switch to the enhanced player input. Axis controls in the old input setup no longer work in later versions of the engine.

I already apply this settings

Hey @abhi123g,

When switching to enhanced input, you will need to re-set up all of the controls. You can add the vehicle sample assets (requires chaos vehicles plugin) or the third person sample for a good example on how to do so.

if i do not switch to enhanced input go to player control,
it is correct or not?

when we switch to enhanced input there is only reset up all of the controls not other things.

Hey @abhi123g,

You will need to go through the process of creating your input assets(Input Mapping Context/Input Actions) for Enhanced Input. Check out the documentation as well as this non-Epic affiliated tutorial:

Note: This can not be done in the project settings.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

when we switch to 5.2 so there is already create vehicle move_forward , how to make old vehicle move forward to new move_forward using enhancement i am confusing this type problem so give solution in details.

How inputaxismoveforward input(4.27) changed to enhanced input(5.2) some problem with this step , please explain this?

In the new enhanced input you need to recreate the controls with input actions and input mapping context.

Then from within your player controller or pawn you need to get the enhanced input subsystem and add the input mapping to tge subsystem.

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Hey @abhi123g!

Checking in. Were you able to get your vehicle moving? Was the above the solution you needed?

vehicle input is not working can you explain what is the mistake in UE5.2

Hey @abhi123g,

Did you follow the basic steps as outlined in the video above or download the vehicle template for an example?

Please share the updated blueprints we have so far so we can get a better understanding of what you have done so far, as it’s difficult to tell you without knowing what you have changed.